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A Request is the main entity in Paprwork, it allows you to request data to a recipient.
Requests belong to a single Work entity, belong to a single recipient, and can have many documents attached.

A Request can be a contract read receipt , or an ID card collection for example.


Basic specifications#

A Request is configured as follows :

  • It must have a title
  • It can have a description
  • It must have a deadline
  • It be linked to one recipient
  • It can be linked to many documents

Request items#

Request items are the main content of a Request, it determines what information its recipient will have to provide when responding to it.

There are 5 types of items :

  • DOCUMENT : A file
  • MESSAGE : A simple text information such as a date of birth
  • PROMPT : A single choice prompt
  • ACKNOWLEDGE : An acknowledgment
  • SIGNATURE (coming soon...)

Each item is configured as follows :

  • It must have a name
  • It can have a description
  • It must have a type


A Request entity has a status that can be one of the following :

  • draft : Before being sent to the recipient
  • ongoing : Has been sent to the recipient
  • delayed : Set as delayed 1 day before deadline
  • finished : Recipient has answered
  • validated : Validated by author

Entity-relationship model#

Request ERM